======================================================================== rminer R library (version 1.2): Data Mining with Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines in R by Paulo Cortez@ 2012 University of Minho ======================================================================== How to use this: 1 - First, if not already installed, install the R tool. Go to: http://www.r-project.org Select the CRAN mirror and then download your operating system R version. 2 - If not already installed, install the required R packages (if asked, click yes to option install dependencies), since rminer requires nnet, kknn, kernlab, rpart, lattice, plotrix and methods packages. There are several ways to install packages in R. a. use the R command: install.packages Example: install.packages("kernlab") You may need to select your CRAN mirror during the installation. If you need help, type in the R console: ?install.packages b. Windows: use the "Packages" menu and set the CRAN mirror. then select the option install packages (you may need to select the CRAN mirror during the installation). c. MacOs: use the "Packages & Data" menu, "Package Installer" option, type the package name in the "Package Search" query component, then click the "Get List" button. Next, select the package from the list and tick the "install dependencies" box. Finally, click on the "Install Selected" button. 3 - To check if the library works, just type at the R console: library(rminer) ?fit help(package = rminer) 5 - Test the examples (in the rminer documentation: "?fit" or "help(package = rminer)" ). ========================================================================